Thursday 26 January 2017

Former grammar school pupil, 21, admits manslaughter after he did nothing to help a 17-year-old girl he watched drown in the sea

Former grammar school pupil, 21, admits manslaughter after he did nothing to help a 17-year-old girl he watched drown in the sea

  • Becky Morgan was found dead in the sea near Ramsgate harbour last May
  • Michael Bowditch told them she fell in the water after they were kissing
  • He was drunk and on drugs and failed to act because he was 'nervous', he said
  • After denying murder he admitted manslaughter today and could be jailed 

A 21-year-old former grammar school pupil who did nothing to help a teenage girl as she 
drowned in the sea has been jailed for manslaughter.

Michael Bowditch, from Ramsgate, Kent, had denied murdering Becky Morgan, 17, after she was discovered dead in the water in May last year.

But he was jailed for five-and-a-half years today after he admitted manslaughter before his trial was due to start.

The court heard he was drunk and on drugs when he and Becky were kissing on the 
seafront and she fell in the water, screaming for help.

Rather than raise the alarm or attempt to save her, he ran off and continued drinking in a bar before contacting police.

The court heard that, earlier that evening, Becky had texted her mother to say she had met a guy who was 'very nice'.

The court heard that Bowditch called police just after 5am on May 1 last year, reporting that he had seen 'the death of a person' up to three hours earlier.

Police attended his aunt's home, where Bowditch was asked to accompany officers to the harbour to show them where Becky had fallen in.

When an officer asked why he had not got his phone out to raise the alarm, Bowditch replied: 'Well, that's great for you, but I was very, very nervous.'

As Bowditch and the police arrived at the scene, Becky's coat and bag were found and then Bowditch gave a tearful, expletive-ridden account of what happened.

He told the officers: 'We were both laying here. We were both laying here, she stood up. We were both f****** about and she f****** fell.

'We were f****** about and she fell off here. She wasn't talking anymore and she was screaming. I tried to get help. I couldn't get help and she asked me to.

As an officer asked him he was OK, Bowditch replied: 'No, I feel like I f****** killed her.

'She asked me to help. I couldn't get it to her. She asked me to leave and I f****** did.' 

Toxicology tests showed Bowditch had cocaine, alcohol and cannabinoids in his bloodstream, with alcohol said to have been at a 'very high level'.

In his first police interview following his arrest, Bowditch said in a statement that he and Becky were on the Harbour Arm, sitting on the ground, kissing and cuddling.

Prosecutor Simon Taylor said: 'He stated he was drunk and did not realise the significance of what had happened and went back into town where he began to sober up a little.

'When he realised the significance of the events, the police were informed. He believed this to be a tragic accident.'

Bowditch entered a plea to manslaughter on the basis he could not say how Becky came to fall in the sea, but failed to take any action to help her.

Defence counsel Oliver Saxby QC said Bowditch's 'severe intoxication' was partly to blame, and he was not thinking in a 'sensible or logical' way at the time.

Mr Saxby said: 'What happened in the early hours of that morning is, first and last, Michael Bowditch recognises, an utter tragedy for Becky Morgan, her family and friends, and nothing said on his behalf is intended to take away from that fundamental fact.'

He added: 'He cannot say precisely how she came to fall into the sea. He accepts that he was with her at the time and failed to prevent it happening.

'And he accepts that his inaction played a part in her death. Had he done something, her life could have been saved.'

Deputy senior investigating officer Detective Sergeant Fiona Mattholie said: 'Despite a comprehensive and indepth investigation by officers, there is only one person who will ever really know the full details of what happened that night to cause a 17-year-old girl to lose her life.

'Bowditch has now admitted he did play a part in her death and was guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence.

'My condolences are with Miss Morgan's family and friends and I hope this helps them in coming to terms with such a tragic turn of events and the loss of life.' 

After Becky, also from Ramsgate, was found tributes to the teenager were posted online by family and friends.

One said: 'A beautiful girl's life has been taken away. She's flying up high as an angel.
'She was a lovely girl who grew into a mature beautiful teenager.'

Another said: 'So deeply saddened to hear about Becky. Such a tragic loss for you all. My thoughts and love are with you all at this very sad time. Sending all my love to you guys.'

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